Sunday, January 6, 2013

Done and done... sort of

So, here's an update on the writing/editing/querying process:

I weighed my options between a ton of agents that I've been researching and finally emailed nine queries between Thursday and Friday to agents who have represented some of my favorite YA books.  I completely revamped my query letter to make it short and catchy with the help of a former teacher and with a small prayer, I clicked send.  Now, considering that last year I sent out oh... fifty to sixty queries... all of which came back with a formed response that essentially said "no thanks" (which in my head translated to "awww, hell naw"), I decided to take it much slower this time.  Nine queries isn't too few or too many, and if they all come back with negative responses, then I haven't exhausted my list of desired agents.  At the worst, they all send formed rejections again, at the best I get an offer of representation, and at the worst, and somewhere in the middle, I get a detailed rejection with critical feedback.

But now for the big(ish) news.  I heard back from my first agent on Friday night (THAT SOON), and she had a question about the genre and wanted a synopsis of the novel.  After I quit jumping up at down, I sent out the info she had asked for.  I know, I know:  just because she asked for a synopsis doesn't mean that she's head over heals with my story.  She didn't even straight up ask for a copy of the manuscript.  BUT - she's interested.  This is new territory for me, and it feels pretty spectacular. 

Now to continue with the waiting game.  I still have to hear back from the eight other agents, along with hearing back from this particular one who has already contacted me.  I'm excited to say the least.

Hopefully I will soon start working on the sequel again.  I already have about 150 pages written of book #2, but it was written significantly before I made some major revision changes.  It's still in first person, as the first book was before I rewrote it in third person.  So, needless to say, there's a lot of work to be done with this.

Oh, and I also have another idea for an adult novel that includes a bit of time travel, romance, and weighty women's issues... strange, I know, but I'm excited about it.  Now if I can only find the time to write some more...

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